The Promontory Correctional Facility within the Draper Prison primarily houses the Con-Quest Substance Use Treatment Program and the Resolve Sex Offense Treatment Program. Both programs currently adhere to a structured Therapeutic Community. Richard Hayton describes a Therapeutic Community as “…a structured method and environment for changing human behavior in the context of community life and responsibility.” Residents are taught prosocial behaviors through mentoring and modeling from other residents and staff. For example, they are encouraged to hold each other accountable using assertive communication skills when they observe a community member struggling to abide by the rules and guidelines of their respective program or the building. Additionally, they provide helpful and positive feedback when they observe a community member doing something to create a better living environment in the dorms.
The Resolve Sex Offense Treatment Program utilizes evidence based treatment interventions to address their criminogenic risk factors related to general offending as well as sex offense specific offending through Cognitive Behavior Interventions for Sexual Offending (CBI-SO). Resolve clients also engage in treatment regarding understanding their protective factors by utilizing the Good Lives Model and the Structured Assessment of Protective Factors for Sexual Offending (SAPROF-SO). This approach to treatment will help clients focus on more positive personal goals which will assist in mitigating, or reducing, their risk to sexually reoffend, thereby increasing community safety. Clients are enrolled in treatment anywhere from 1-2 years depending on their risk level and treatment needs. For more information on the sex offense treatment program (SOTP), please click the button below.
In addition to the Therapeutic Community, Con-Quest uses evidence -based treatment such as Cognitive Behavior Interventions, Solution-Focused therapy, and Trauma -informed techniques to help residents learn new skills that address their criminogenic risk factors, including substance use. Our goal is to help our clients learn skills to help them be successful in the community and reduce recidivism. For more information on the substance use programs, please click the link below.
Promontory also offers Culinary Arts and other adult and higher education classes through Davis Technical and Salt Lake Community Colleges.