Nearly one-third of incarcerated individuals in Utah’s prison system are serving time for a sexual offense. The Department strives to treat persons who sexually offend (PSOs) through effective treatment interventions based on their individual risk factors that brought them to the attention of the Courts and the Department of Corrections. The Department’s Sex Offense Treatment Program (SOTP) is primarily housed at the Utah State Prison in Draper. It is designed to last 15-24 months depending on the offender’s identified risk factors and overall risk level. Upon incarceration, the PSO is assessed on their willingness to participate if the Board of Pardons and Parole orders sex offense-specific treatment. Their response to this assessment determines where they are placed on the tracking list. As of Spring 2021, PSOs will receive an evaluation prior to their original hearing with the Board of Pardons and Parole. The intensity and comprehensiveness of this evaluation depends on their level of risk, but will include various measures that are evidence based for this population. The evaluation will specifically provide risk estimates to the Board of Pardons and Parole, as well as treatment recommendations. These recommendations could include various forms of community-based treatment or treatment while incarcerated. These recommendations will take into account the offender’s risk factors identified through the assessment process and may look different between PSOs as it is a complex process. Once the Board sets a rehearing date and orders sex offense-specific treatment, the offender will be enrolled no sooner than 24 months prior to their projected rehearing date, barring any exigent circumstances. This affords adequate time to enroll an offender and move them to the appropriate treatment building. SOTP is anchored on evidence-based practice principles centered on cognitive/behavioral therapy with a strong relapse-prevention component. We focus on the top 8 criminogenic risk factors for all PSO’s in addition to identifying the risk factors specific to sexual offending present for each individual PSO. All therapists providing treatment are licensed mental-health professionals with specialized training in sex offense-specific treatment or they are training under the direct supervision of a licensed mental health professional. PSO’s participating in treatment are expected to achieve satisfactory progress intellectually and emotionally, which is continuously evaluated during their treatment episode. Progress is measured by observable changes — not simply completion of assignments or time spent in therapy. Progress is based on how hard the PSO works, how motivated they are, and their willingness to incorporate changes freely to show commitment toward rehabilitation without being defensive. PSO’s participate in group therapy once or twice a week, depending on the program, and also receive individual therapy to further understand the treatment concepts learned in group. They can complete workbooks and daily journals to demonstrate their internalization of the skills they learn. They are expected to engage in healthy interactions with peers and staff as they accept and display a commitment to change and seek to improve and excel in new approaches to healthy living. Clinical mental-health staff are also available to work with program participants as requested if the PSO’s needs fall outside the scope of the sex offense treatment program. Behaviors are observed on housing units and by reviewing disciplinary actions or behavioral patterns. This helps staff distinguish a consistent, healthy lifestyle from a covert or dual lifestyle fraught with continued disrespect for rules and others. PSO’s participate in assessments to receive feedback regarding patterns of arousal, thinking, and general behavior. The general notion is to treat PSO’s with respect while holding them accountable. Staff seek out the most current literature and research into treatment practices to accurately assess risk and needs and help PSO’s make positive, lasting changes.   Therapy consists of: Group psychotherapy Psycho-educational classes Individual Therapy based on the PSO’s skill and risk level   Psycho-educational courses are available prior to and during program enrollment: Treatment orientation Pre-treatment program (6 phases made up of psychoeducational classes like thinking errors and victim empathy) Anger management (optional) Parenting (optional) Relapse prevention (required – core part of the current program) Human Sexuality (optional)   Primary areas of change include: Accountability General empathy Pro–social attitudes Adequate coping skills/styles Adequate social skills Positive self-esteem Control over impulses Emotional Regulation/Distress Tolerance Control over substance use Normative sexual views/interests Understanding risk factors Quality of self-management plans Quality of supports Quality of release plans Commitment to maintenance   Process for enrolling in the program: Due to demand coupled with a lack of resources, the Department has to be selective and work only with PSO’s who are adequately committed to genuine change through a process of investment, observation, assessment and confrontation that helps them build accountability while developing respect for others — including themselves. Again, all individuals sentenced to prison for a sex offense (whether a new commitment or a parole violator) receive a treatability assessment. The PSO’s name and results are then placed on the Department’s Sex Offense Treatment Program tracking list. Their response dictates their placement on the tracking list. They can be placed in the SOTP at the Utah State Prison in Draper, in a treatment program at the Central Utah Correctional Facility in Gunnison, or at the San Juan, Sanpete or Kane County Jails through the prison’s Jail Contracting Program.   PSO’s are placed in treatment based on several factors:  Amenability to treatment Level 3 privilege classification or higher Board of Pardons and Parole order indicating they want the PSO to be in treatment while incarcerated Availability of a treatment slot Priority classification from the Board of Pardons indicating the PSO would likely parole in the event of satisfactory treatment progress   Not every individual who has committed a sex offense will be eligible for treatment. Some reasons for exclusion include: No possibility of parole Poor motivation Violating institutional rules Lack of desire for treatment Disciplinary measures and write-ups Test results that suggest incompatibility with treatment   PSO’s eligible for treatment can lose their parole dates for:  Failure to successfully participate Refusal to participate Removing one’s self from treatment Being removed by staff from treatment  ...

HOPE is housed in the Fir unit at the Central Utah Correctional Facility. The dormitory-style unit is capable of housing up to 288 inmates, with 48 inmates in each of the six sections. HOPE is organized as a therapeutic community aimed at helping inmates live clean, sober, positive and productive lives and typically takes 12 months to 13 months to complete. The program's therapeutic design intentionally uses a positive peer culture and environment, where high standards, morals of "right living" and pro-social core values are reinforced with privileges, rewards and recognition. The HOPE clinical staff and Fir security staff, as well as HOPE graduates, serve as role models to the program’s residents. Ideally, inmates leave the program with tools necessary to avoid re-engaging in problem behaviors. HOPE includes a thorough relapse prevention component that enables recovering addicts to live cautiously, knowing their next relapse could be around the corner. A companion goal in HOPE's behavior modification program is the recognition and elimination or reduction of criminal thinking and anti-social behavior after a return to the outside community....

Excell is based on a residential, therapeutic community model and is designed to help women overcome substance abuse issues and resolve trauma (physical and emotional abuse) that often underlie criminal behaviors. An analysis of the 11-month program found that women who complete the Excell program are nearly 30 percent less likely to return to prison than inmates who do not....

The Con-Quest program is housed in the Promontory Facility at the Utah State Prison and can accommodate 400 inmates. Inmates with substance dependence or abuse issues who have treatment listed among their top priorities in a Case Action Plan are eligible to participate in the program. Con-Quest is based on a therapeutic community model and is focused on teaching responsible living habits to enable inmates to successfully re-entry society. Inmates, called residents while in the program, practice and live those principles on a daily basis, with daily responsibilities they are expected to perform. A key aspect of the program is accountability, and residents are taught to hold each other accountable to their actions, behaviors and attitudes. While in Con-Quest, residents engage in individual and group therapy with licensed clinicians. They also participate in behavioral modification classes and are able to participate in educational and vocational training programs designed to enhance employment skills. Residents are expected to be productively engaged 40 hours per week in jobs, classes or programs. Residents spend a minimum of 12 months in the program....

The Department works with several applied technology colleges to certify inmates in vocational trades. Those colleges are: Davis Technical College, Uintah Basin Technical College, and Snow College. At the Utah State Prison, male inmates may earn certificates in seven areas: Automotive Technology; Machinist Technician; Maintenance Technician; Welding Technology; Business Technology; and Culinary Arts. Female inmates may earn certificates in two programs (Culinary Arts and Business Technology). At the Central Utah Correctional Facility, certificates are offered in Culinary Arts and Building Trades. The prison's telephone surcharge fees — paid by inmate families and friends who accept their collect calls — help support this program. However, offenders often take out student loans in order to enroll in vocational trades. Due to the fact the offender does not have a significant source of income while incarcerated, he or she is given adequate time post-release to repay any debt incurred. After an offender is "off paper" (no longer under the department's purview in either the prison or on parole status), that individual has three years to repay the student loans, meaning the State and its taxpayers are not shouldering the costs of post-secondary education....

There are more than two dozen religious practices represented among Utah's prison population. To meet the spiritual needs of inmates, Corrections works with volunteers who oversee activities, programs and religious services. The Department employs part-time chaplains to provide ecclesiastical counseling and non-denominational services. Arrange a marriage ceremony Marriages are run through our Religious/Volunteer Services Office. Offenders are required to send a written request to Religious/Volunteer Services. Once the written request is received the offender will receive documents to start the process. For more information contact Religious/Volunteer Services: Salt Lake City office at 801-576-7817. Gunnison office at 435-528-6220....

This program, launched in 1988, employs offenders at a modest wage to make audio recordings of books for the visually impaired. Reading for the Blind is part of a broader organization — the Program for the Blind and Physically Handicapped of the Utah State Library Division, which serves patrons both locally and nationally. The program is housed in a donated facility that has reading rooms and editing stations equipped with tape duplication machines. Reading for the Blind employees read hundreds of books each year, which are then added to the State Library's collection. Some offenders continue volunteering to read books for this program at the Utah State Library even after they are released from prison....

In addition to formal education, there are other tools offenders often need in order to change their lifestyles and adopt an outlook more conducive to long-term success. Life skills courses include Thinking for a Change, Communication, Computer Literacy, Relationships, Relapse Prevention, Career Power, Financial Literacy, Anger Management, Parenting, Impact of Crime on Victims, Domestic Violence, Victim Empathy, and Thinking Errors. Initial assessments may identify course s an inmate needs to overcome specific challenges. Inmates also may seek to enroll in non-required courses, provided space is available....

Most offenders who are sent to prison have less than a high-school education. The Utah Department of Corrections offers high school education through partnerships with local school districts. The Canyons School District operates the South Park Academy at the Utah State Prison, while the South Sanpete School District operates the Central Academy at the Central Utah Correctional Facility. The Department offers vocational training through partnerships with the Davis Technical College; Snow College; and the Uintah Basin Technical College. Inmates also may take advantage of numerous life-skills and literacy classes taught by volunteers and community organizations. Inmates also may enroll in distance-learning programs, receiving coursework materials through the U.S. Mail. Such programs provide an opportunity for inmates to earn advanced degrees. These programs are not funded by the State, but several non-profit organizations and private entities offer tuition help....

While in Receiving and Orientation, inmates are monitored and take various assessments to determine their specific needs. That information is used to develop a Case Action Plan that outlines the inmate's educational, program and treatment needs and to set goals for the inmate during his or her incarceration. Progress and accomplishments are noted in the inmate's file, which is reviewed by the Utah Board of Pardons and Parole....

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