The UDC Dashboard is an interactive tool created with the objective of enhancing public transparency through providing up-to-date statistics and the stories behind those statistics. Here you can find data about current staffing levels, state-wide incarceration rates, recidivism rates, and program/education participation.

Each statistic rendered below is tracked at different intervals and through different methods. The intervals used are listed below each of the datasets. In the interest of transparency, footnotes are provided when necessary.

The Utah Department of Corrections receives many questions every single day regarding our operations. This dashboard was developed with the intent of making commonly sought-after information instantly available to the public, while also providing additional context to that information.

Our goal for this dashboard is to be as informative and transparent as possible, without compromising inmate privacy or operational security. When developing the dashboard, our team worked to find the most accurate and relevant statistics available.

*THIS FEATURE IS COMING SOON* If you’d like to learn more, click on any data set for additional information regarding those stats.

The data populating these interactive visualizations comes from various teams within the UDC, as well as external sources.


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*Number of correctional officers joining (‘Hires’ and ‘Rehires’) and leaving (‘Agent Transfers,’ ‘Left Agency’ or ‘Left Job’) UDC per quarter. This data is tracked by the Utah Division of Human Resource Management. Data last updated 02/21/2024 12:00:00 PM


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*Number of individuals incarcerated per 100,000 residents within each group. Updated annually (current version: 2023). Data from U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Utah Recidivism Rate

No Data Found

*“Recidivism Rate” means the number of individuals who are returned to prison for a new conviction within the three years after the day on which the individuals were released from prison. This is based on the “Recidivism standard metric” defined in Utah HB 352 (https://le.utah.gov/~2023/bills/static/HB0352.html). Updated September 27th, 2023.

UDC Incarcerated Population Data

Male Populations

Total Population: 5884 individuals (-4 since last week)

No Data Found

Female Populations

Total Population: 438 individuals (-4 since last week)

No Data Found

*Number of incarcerated individuals housed at Utah State Correctional Facility, Central Utah Correctional Facility, Utah County Jails (combined), and elsewhere (other)–separated by male and female populations. LAST UPDATED: December 12, 2024 (updated weekly on Thursday)

UDC Average Yearly Incarcerated Population

No Data Found

*Yearly average population of incarcerated individuals in all UDC facilities over the past 30 years, excluding the current year. (Updated Jan. 2024)

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