Media Information

Covering Corrections


The Utah Department of Corrections strives to maintain accountability to the public while also operating safe and secure facilities for staff, offenders, volunteers, visitors and others we interact with on a daily basis. Below is information about our policies and practices for disseminating information and allowing media access to our facilities.



Social Media


The Department uses various social media channels to keep the public and media informed about news and events involving Corrections. On Facebook, Pinterest and YouTube, you can find us by searching “Utah Department of Corrections.” On Twitter and Instagram, we are @UtahCorrections.



Requesting an Interview with an Inmate


If this is your first time requesting an interview, please provide by email ( your media affiliation and contact information. You may be asked to provide your business card or other credential to verify your status as a member of a news media outlet. Please also include the name of the offender whom you would like to interview. Also, be as specific as possible regarding the intended topic or reason for interview so the offender can fully consider the request in the proper context.


Please note: The Utah Department of Corrections does not allow documentary-style filming (movies, television shows, etc.) or still photography within our facilities. The Department also does not allow on-camera interviews with individual inmates except for program-related stories for safety and security reasons. The Department may make video recordings of inmate activities available to the media for general use via its social media channels and upon request.


The Department has stock video footage and still photographs, including images of correctional facilities and programs, that are available to verified news media upon request.



Prison Access


Our facilities (including community correctional centers) are secure, tightly controlled environments. To request entry to any of these facilities for the purposes of a news story, please contact the Communications Director. You will be asked to provide your full name, date of birth, and driver license number at least five days in advance for background check purposes. Clearances must be obtained for each visit. Media members are asked to abide by the dress code that applies to all visitors.





The Department’s two-pronged mission is to help offenders succeed and to maintain public safety. The Department is able to provide tours on a limited basis in keeping with that mission to help foster understanding of what happens in prison or during probation and parole. For additional information regarding tours or about prison life separate from a tour, please contact the Communications Director listed above.

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