Housing Location (i.e., Wasatch facility, Davis County Jail)
Offenses/Sentence Length
Board Hearing Date
Parole/Expiration Date (Note: Utah is an indeterminate sentencing state, meaning sentences are given in time ranges rather than specific time periods. For example, an offender convicted of a 3rd-degree felony may receive a sentence of 0 to 5 years.)
*Please note if you are seeking to have specific data/statistics compiled or gain informational answers to specific questions about this agency, contact the public information officer. If you are looking for an actual document or a record you believe to be maintained by the department, you can file a GRAMA request. GRAMA specifically pertains to records that are produced and maintained by a governmental agency. A GRAMA request entitles the public to copies of, or access to, records that exist and are used for conducting the public’s business.