Utah Board of Pardons and Parole
The Utah Board of Pardons and Parole (“Board”), an independent agency, is created by the Utah Constitution and laws enacted by the Legislature. The purpose of the Board is to determine when and under what conditions persons convicted and serving prison sentences should be released. The Board may also pardon, terminate, or commute offender sentences. The Board has statutory authority to impose restitution of modify or forgive court-ordered restitution, fines, or forfeitures.
The purpose of the Board is to render just decisions regarding parole and supervision of offenders. Decisions must be consistent with federal and state constitutions and state statutes. The primary objective of the Board is the protection of the public. The Board also works to safeguard the rights of victims and those incarcerated.
When a person is committed to prison, the Board will review their case within 6 months to set an original hearing date for the earliest point that a release would be considered based on sentencing guidelines. This helps manage expectations for both offenders and victims. It also allows the Board to set expectations for programs and treatments early on, helping the Utah Department of Corrections coordinate resources more effectively.
See R671-201 (https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/code/r671/r671-201.htm#T1) for more information about original hearings.
See Sentencing, Release, & Supervision Guidelines (https://justice.utah.gov/sentencing/sentencing-and-release-guidelines/) for more information.
The mission of the Board of Pardons and Parole is to protect public safety through informed and just decisions that consider victim input, the accountability of those under our jurisdiction, risk reduction, and rehabilitation.
Keeping Utah safe through fair, evidence-based decision-making practices, and public transparency.
The Board has five full-time and up to five pro tempore board members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. One full-time member acts as the chair.
Board decisions are final and cannot be appealed.
The Utah State Correctional Facility has hearing rooms for in-person hearing. Hearings can also be conducted remotely from the Central Utah Correctional Facility and county jails. Board hearings are public and are streamed online (https://bop.utah.gov/hearings-decisions/join-a-live-hearing/). The public can attend in-person provided they are allowed on prison property by the Utah Department of Corrections. Media wishing to bring recording equipment into the hearing need to consult with Board and UDC for permission prior to the hearing.
For more information about the Utah Board of Pardons, please visit www.bop.utah.gov or call 801-261-6464.