[trx_content][trx_columns count=”3″ margins=”” top=”null” bottom=”null”][trx_column_item]
[trx_title type=”3″ align=”left” color=”#ffffff” top=”huge” bottom=”small”]OUR HEROES[/trx_title][trx_section color=”#ffffff” font_size=”1.625em” font_weight=”700″][cq_vc_coverslider images=”992,994,993″ navposition=”overlay-right”][captionitem]District Seven Officers Save Two Men From Apparent Heroin Overdose[/captionitem]
[captionitem]District Seven Officers Save Two Men From Apparent Heroin Overdose[/captionitem]
[captionitem]District Seven Officers Save Two Men From Apparent Heroin Overdose[/captionitem][/cq_vc_coverslider][/trx_section][/trx_column_item][trx_column_item span=”2″][trx_title type=”3″ align=”left” color=”#ffffff” top=”large” bottom=”small”]ABOUT CPD[/trx_title]
To understand more about the City Police Department, roll over to read about our
Vision and our Mission.
Since their humble beginnings in 1920, the dedicated officers of the City Police
Department have made it their mission to protect the citizens of our great community.
Here are a few milestones in the force’s history.
[cq_vc_draggabletimeline avatarstyle=”text” avatarlabels=”1920,1936,1947,2000,2010″ contenttitles=”First Police Chief ,Deputy Sheriff,First Police Officer,Second Police Officer”]
John Smith is first police chief to be appointed for a second term.
I have been fortunate to have two great careers, but law enforcement is the most fun.
I have always admired police officers’ work since my childhood.
I always knew that police would be the career that I wanted to pursue.
I have been fortunate to have two great careers, but law enforcement is the most fun.
[/cq_vc_draggabletimeline][trx_section align=”left” columns=”2_5″][trx_list style=”iconed” icon=”icon-right-open” icon_color=”#ffffff” class=”style_1″][trx_list_item title=”How do I pay a parking ticket?” icon_color=”#ffffff”][/trx_list_item][trx_list_item title=”How do I contest a municipal ticket I received?” icon_color=”#ffffff”][/trx_list_item][trx_list_item title=”My vehicle was towed. Now what do I do?” icon_color=”#ffffff”][/trx_list_item][/trx_list][/trx_section][trx_section align=”left” columns=”2_5″ left=”small”][trx_list style=”iconed” icon=”icon-right-open” icon_color=”#ffffff” class=”style_1″][trx_list_item title=”What job opportunities are available with CPD?” icon_color=”#ffffff”][/trx_list_item][trx_list_item title=”How do I get an accident report?” icon_color=”#ffffff”][/trx_list_item][trx_list_item title=”Can I file a police report about an incident online?” icon_color=”#ffffff”][/trx_list_item][/trx_list][/trx_section][trx_section css=”clear: both;” bottom=”large”][trx_button style=”border2″]MORE INFO[/trx_button][/trx_section][/trx_column_item][/trx_columns][/trx_content]