Visitor Application Forms
The inmate or visitor may submit a completed visitor application form and a completed visitor consent form to Utah State Prison Visiting or Central Utah Correctional Facility Visiting.
Visitors may submit applications for themselves and for minors. Once you have the forms, please complete the portion marked “Visitor’s Section.” The application should include:
- Inmate’s full name, offender number, housing assignment, and date of request.
- Visitor’s first, middle, last, and maiden (if applicable) name, gender, marital status, address, driver license number, state that issued the license, and date of birth.
- Relationship to the inmate (wife, mother, brother, etc.)
Please attach the appropriate personnel documentation as described on the back of the application form, or as specified by visiting staff. All documentation should contain the inmate’s clearly printed name and offender number.
Applications take 6-8 weeks to process. If you wish to be notified of the approval or denial of your application, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your application. Mail or deliver the completed application form, with all documentation, the signed consent form and any other supplemental information, to the appropriate visiting office:
Utah State Correctional Facility Visiting Office
P. O. Box 165300
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
801-522-7044 or 7045
Visiting Capt. Nicholes:
Central Utah Correctional Facility Visiting Office
P. O. Box 550
Gunnison, UT 84634
435-528-6500 or 435-528-6000
Visiting application forms are available at the links below:
Visitor Application and Renewal Form (PDF)
• This is the form that should be filled out prior to your first visit to the prison.
Visiting Renewal Update Form (PDF) Now same as the application
- All visitors shall update their visiting application annually. It is the responsibility of the visitor to submit a renewal form to Utah State Prison or Central Utah Correctional Facility visiting staff 12 months from the date of the application’s approval. Visitors shall notify the visiting staff in writing of any change of address of approved visitors within 10 days of new address. Failure to provide this information within the 10-day limit may result in suspension of visiting privileges.
Visiting Minor Request Form (PDF)
• All minor visitors, except spouses, shall be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. If the minor’s parent or legal guardian is unable to escort the minor to visiting, the individual shall:
- Be the minor’s grandparent or adult sibling, AND
- Provide a notarized letter from the parent or legal guardian giving the individual permission to escort the minor.
Minors will be automatically removed from an inmate’s visiting list, without notification, on their 18th birthday. It is that person’s responsibility to submit an adult visiting application prior to the 18th birthday.