Sex Offense Task Force Quarterly Training

The Utah Department of Corrections Sex Offense Task Force (SOTF) is committed to ensuring sex offense supervision and treatment is consistent and evidence-based. As part of that commitment, the task force sponsors various trainings to address issues relevant to AP&P agents and therapists who work with persons who sexually offend.


All trainings are free unless otherwise indicated and are typically held in January, April, July and October each year, barring any scheduling disruptions.


To attend a training you must be currently listed on the UDC website lists “Approved Sex Offense Treatment Providers” or “Approved Licensed Polygraph Examiners” or you are a current corrections employee or professional who works with the sex offense population.


As it becomes available, more specific training information and a registration link will be sent out to those on our mailing list.

NEXT TRAINING: January 19, 2023  

Training Topics:


Part 1) Registry Information and Q&A Presented by Jennifer Calvo

Part 2) AP&P Intake Processes and Supervision Levels Presented by Agent Supervisor Greg Smith

Part 3) AP&P Policy Presented by Agent Supervisor Greg Smith


If you are an AP&P agent or an approved provider, affiliate provider, emeritus provider, evaluator, affiliate evaluator, polygraph examiner, or affiliate polygraph examiner and are interested in attending a training and are not on our mailing list, please email the Sex Offense Task Force at


Updated: 10/26/23


Sex Offender Task Force


Mail: 14717 S. Minuteman Dr., Draper, UT 84020

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