The Utah Department of Corrections, in coordination with Davis County Sheriff’s Office, announced the expansion of opportunities for programming and reentry services to address individuals' risk factors when they return to prison for parole violations. The goal is to reduce core criminogenic risk factors for those who violate parole. Individuals who violate parole represent the largest admission group for the Utah Department of Corrections. In 2021, admissions from parole violators represented about two-thirds (67%) of all admissions to prison, while admissions from probation made up 18% of admissions. “We are excited to help these individuals be better equipped for success when they return to their communities,” said Brian Nielson, executive director with the Utah Department of Correction. “We are grateful for the collaboration with the Davis County Sheriff’s Office, and we look forward to expanding these opportunities in other areas of the state in the future.” Data shows that parole violators returning to prison on technical violations stay on average for eight months. The added programming and reentry services will address their core needs within a six month timeframe. “Oftentimes our standard programs for addressing criminogenic needs take longer than the average stay of someone returning for a parole violation,” said Lena Gustafson, the deputy programming director with the Utah Department of Corrections. “Corrections offers so much to every individual we supervise based on their assessed needs, and we’re excited to add more programming and reentry services to our repertoire to address those returning for a short stay for parole violations.” The core program that will be offered–Living in Balance–is customizable, comprehensive, and evidence-based, and takes approximately six months to complete. Customizable: Designed to be effective in both group and individual settings, it can be used in all levels of care and program types. It is designed so that clients can enter the program at any point in the cycle of sessions. Comprehensive: There are 47 sessions, each covering one specific topic. Clients are taught information about treatment and recovery, skills to handle feelings and emotions, information about preventing relapse, practical living skills, and how to manage distorted thinking and behaviors. Evidence-based: Developed by Danya International and tested as part of a NIDA-funded project, Living in Balance is a clinically validated, evidence-based program that has been proven to retain clients in treatment and reduce alcohol and other drug use. Davis Behavioral Health, which contracts with the Davis County Sheriff’s Office, will help to administer the support and classes specializing in mental health and peer support resources. "We're excited to partner with the Department of Corrections in this very important endeavor,” said Chief Arnold Butcher with Davis County Sheriff’s Office. “We believe this is a great opportunity to enhance the programs already offered at our facility. The Living in Balance curriculum will enhance safety throughout our community as we can work with parole offenders much sooner.” Other services provided will specifically address reentry needs, such as navigating parole, improving financial literacy, enhancing their work portfolio, resume, interviewing skills, and partnering with the Department of Workforce Services and Vocational Rehabilitation Services for other relevant needs....

Agents from the Utah Department of Corrections’ Division of Adult Probation and Parole have located a missing juvenile girl from Arizona, arresting a Utah man in the process. On Jan. 31, AP&P agents received information from Arizona involving a missing girl and a possible connection to Jordan Sorenson, who was convicted in June 2020 of first-degree felony aggravated sexual extortion of an adult. He is on probation with AP&P and is listed on Utah’s sex offender registry. Agents began an investigation in coordination with the Utah Attorney General’s human trafficking unit. Sorenson was located at his work and transported to his residence in West Valley. Agents then searched the home, locating the missing juvenile in the basement. “Thanks to the quick actions of our agents and cooperation with the Attorney General's investigators and West Valley City Police Department, this young woman was found safe,” said Dan Blanchard, director of AP&P. “This is one of the many roles our agents take every day to help keep our communities safe. We are very grateful for the response and professionalism of these officers. Agents act on a number of tips every day, and in this situation they helped to locate this girl." Blanchard added that Arizona officials have been informed the juvenile was found safe and turned over to the care of a victim’s advocate from the Attorney General’s office. “We are grateful for the opportunity to assist AP&P and Arizona authorities in this case, and relieved the victim is now in a safe place," said Richard Piatt, communications director with the Utah Attorney General's office. "It is a priority for our office to utilize our Secure Strike Force to assist minors and to prosecute the growing number of human traffickers who are out there. These types of crimes are becoming more frequent, and we all need to continue to work together to combat these crimes.” In addition to probation violations for Sorenson, there is an ongoing investigation of new criminal charges with the AG's human trafficking unit....

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